Monday, August 26, 2019

Blog #13 Friendships

Dear Readers,

Don’t we just love having a good group of friends that we can count on? Being able to talk about whatever we want with those people. It sure feels wonderful, doesn’t it? But the thing is, friends will come and go in life. If you have a good group now,  but said group starts to break apart,  then that’s just a natural phase for a lot of people. 

Also, never ever compromise who you truly are just to make others happy. Proverbs 29:25 says “Fear of man will prove to be snare, but whoever trust in the Lord is kept safe.” So what that is basically saying is you should never have the ‘real you’ get trapped in someone’s expectations of the life you have. However when you have a solid group of God-fearing people in your life who will care for you, pray for you, and show you so much love, then you are set. I know myself that I have such wonderful friends who care for me and, most importantly, love God. Bye. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Blog 12 Mental Health

Dear readers,

There are tons of you out there that could be going through something like this. From depression to anxiety and much more. I personally have never really dealt with something like this. But I am here to give you some encouragement to help you all get through it. For some of you reading this I want you to know that YOU ARE LOVED. God understands what it’s like because he endured sorrow and many tears before he had to die on that cross. 

Also you shouldn’t feel like it’s your fault because this is your body’s way saying it needs help. The Lord is here for you and is here to comfort you. In Psalms 62:5-8 it says this “Find rest, o my soul, in God alone; my hope come from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; his my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God, he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, o people; pour out your hearts to him for God is our refuge”. 

What that is basically is saying that you can find rest for yourselves when your feeling this way. You can find the healing that you need too. Remember this GOD LOVES YOU and like I said at the beginning of this post YOU ARE LOVED. Also remember God is much bigger than anxiety, depression and many other things. Have a blessed day. Bye. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blog 11 Fitting In

Dear Readers,

Like most teens or young people we all want to fit in with the cool crowd at school. We all want to be noticed by that really cute guy or we all tend to want to be with the popular people. But the thing is that when it comes to fitting in everyone should never have to compromise or change who they are just so they can fit in. 

See when it comes to being popular it’s not all it’s cracked up to be because once high school ends, well what comes next for that said person? Who knows what could happen to them in the next few years but I want you all to keep in mind that when you’re dealing with this issue that you should find good and God-fearing friends who are going to be there for you and pray for you. 

At the end of it all most of the cool people tend to do things that aren’t good and it will only lead you astray from the real friends that actually care about you. So in the end of the day don’t stress about trying to fit in because with the Lord’s help he will lead you to some really great friends. Hope this was a encouraging thing for you all to read. God Bless. Bye. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Blog 10 Growing Spiritually

Dear readers,

I know for some of you growing in a spiritual sense can be hard or it may seem that the desire isn’t there. Well I know for me spiritually growing was something I dealt with and in some ways still am. Because the thing is that a person could grow up their entire life being a Christian, going to church, youth group, and such but that person would still be a spiritual baby. It takes effort to grow spiritually and I know for me starting to do that once I recommitted to Christ and took my faith seriously I began to feel pretty good.

 At first it felt like something you would put on your to-do list but after awhile God gives you that burning desire to grow in him. Boy it sure feels good doesn’t it? The Bible says in Philippians 2:13 “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Which is saying that it’s God alone that can give  you this desire to grow in him everyday of your life. Once you get that fire to grow in the Lord things are going to look good for you. Must go. God bless. Bye. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Blog #9 Worshipping

Dear readers,

Now I know a ton of you just really love to worship the Lord in church, myself included. You have that one song that really gets to you in so many ways that nothing else could. What do you guys picture when you worship the Lord? Well I know for me I see the Lord being pleased by the worship we all give him. I see a smile on his face too. Anyway when it comes to worshiping God I bet most of you will say singing if the most common thing. But there are other ways to worship that just singing, it could be by what you give or reading the word too.

 In the Bible John 4:24 says “God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth”. Now that is something we’ll need to keep in mind while one worships. However the thing that does get to me is that nowadays when I have gone to visit other churches and we go into the sanctuary I always see a huge concert type stage and it looks like I’m at some concert and not worshiping God. I don’t need some big production or huge mega church to worship the Lord. All we need is to be spiritually connected when one worships the Lord. I must go now. Bye. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Blog #8 Being Prejudiced

Dear readers,

Something like being prejudiced towards someone that doesn’t necessarily look or dress like you isn’t good. We all are God’s children no matter what we wear, background or even our social status is in life. These are some lyrics from a children’s song that I know and it may sound absolutely ridiculous by posting the lyrics but if you really think about it does have a really great meaning to it. Some of you may have sung this in church when you were little. It’s Jesus loves the little children. 
“Jesus Loves the little children
all the children of the world. 
Red, brown, yellow, black and white 
they are precious in his sight.” 
Yeah like I said i know it sounds so weird having to read these lyrics and ask what does this song have to do with the topic of prejudice? Well I will tell you how and that’s the line of red,yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight because it goes to show you that he loves all of his children no matter what they look like. He loves them just the way they are.

 Also in the Bible Galatians 3:28 says this “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female for you are all one in Christ.” That’s something to really think about and next time you see someone that you would not talk to on a normal basis try to start a  conversation with them and you may never know what could happen. They could become your best friend or even your future spouse. You just never know until you try it. God bless you all. Bye.