Monday, December 23, 2019

The unexpected pregnancy

Dear readers,
When it come to the saying “expect the unexpected” I think that it could definitely be applied to Mary, the Lord’s mother. See she was just an ordinary girl who happened to be engaged to a man named Joseph. But the moment that changed her life forever was when the angel showed up and told her that she had found favor with God, and she was going to give birth to a son that was going to save everyone from the sins of the world. I mean talk about the unexpected, right?

 I really can’t imagine what was going through her head, but how she handled this unexpected pregnancy was so good.  In fact while she was being visited by the angel that God sent to her, she responded by saying this in Luke 1:38 “I am the Lord’s servant, May it be to me as you have said. Then the angel left her.” That’s one wonderful response if you ask me.

 She allowed God to use her in carrying his only son so that everyone he would meet later on in life would see all of the miracles and listen to the one and only true savior of this world that we live in. Hope this was a encouraging post for you all. God Bless. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The best gift ever

Dear readers,
As the Christmas holiday is approaching we all tend to get caught up in all of the many things that we need to do. One of those particular things is getting presents for all of our loved ones. We always want to make sure that we get the best present ever for them, that way when they open it they have a joyous look on their face. But because of all the hustle and bustle we lose sight of what happens to be the best Christmas present ever,  and that’s the birth of Jesus. Why? Well because it’s the best news to all of us that the best gift is a savior who is going to save everyone from the sins of the world.

 If you really put in some thought into this, when we spell Christmas it has “Christ” in it. I remember when I was in the third grade my teacher was talking about just that. I always try to make sure that I remember that when Christmas comes around. We all forget about that because we are constantly trying to get all the presents wrapped in time for Christmas morning. 

 We all need to remember that the best present is a child born in a manger where animals hang out. That’s  something to think about  too. So I really would like for all of us to keep that in mind this Christmas season.  The best present ever isn’t some new gadget or a new outfit but an actual savior who saved people from the wrongs of the world that we live in. I hope that this was a encouraging post for you all. God Bless. Bye. Merry Christmas to you all. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Dear readers,
We know that before the Lord left the earth he said to us “Go into the all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15). So when he says this to us he basically is saying he wants us all to tell the good news and freedom people can have in Christ. Doing so is to witness to them. Now for some of you reading this it might not be very easy because we tend to say the wrong things while having the best intentions for them. However things can go wrong and not end well. 

See there is a right way to witness to people and there is a wrong way to do it. One of the many ways that we can witness the right way to people is to develop a good friendship with that person and then introduce them the Lord in a way that they can understand, it without saying certain things that could go over their head.  However keep in mind that when you’re witnessing that you shouldn’t say it in a way that sounds like a sales pitch,  because that is not what true witnessing is. 

Also you want to make sure to remember when you are trying to witness to someone that it’s the Holy Spirit that will draw them to the Lord and not you. We all need to trust the Lord and the Holy Spirit to work in that person’s  heart so that when they accept Christ as their Savior things will work out for them. Keep in mind that it takes time for some people to get to that  point and it won’t be easy either, so just trust in God when you’re witnessing to that friend who has yet to know Jesus. I hope that this was a encouraging post for you all. God Bless. Bye.