Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bad words

Dear readers,

I know for a ton of us struggle with swearing. The urge to say that one bad word or terrible insult. It’s a constant battle inside of all of us. Truth be told before I was truly saved I swore at someone. After I did this a enormous amount of guilt came over me. I felt like I really made God angry and disappointed in how his little girl behaved. 

I also thought of what my parents would say if they found out that I said those horrible words. So I never told my parents that I swore for years, until I found myself in a good place to say something about it. 

It feels so good knowing that I don’t swear anymore and I know for a lot of you it’s hard to not want to swear. But you’re doing the right thing by not doing it. That’s the Holy Spirit working in you.

 Here’s the real deal: the thing is that what you’re saying reveals a lot about what’s going on in your heart. Luke 6:45 says “The good man brings good things our of the good stored up in his heart and evil man brings evil thing our the evils stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” So try to keep that in mind when one has the urge to swear. God bless you guys. Bye.